Friday, October 14, 2011

Stop, Hey, What's that sound? (Instructional Audio 5)

This week, after reviewing the last four tapes, I thought I'd do some review myself, kind of a reflection of what I've accomplished.

It's looking, so far, that these tapes will mostly include learning about the various types and forms of Media in a Digital setting. Which is, I suppose, exactly what it says on the tin. I'm really enjoying going through these, because it gets my thinker a-thinking when it comes to stories and the like.

So I'm going to discuss the story idea that the instructor (Still haven't quite caught his name - I expect it'll be revealed to me eventually) keeps talking about to his students. For quite a while before the apocalypse came true, I had been attempting to write a screenplay tentatively titled "anxious". It was to be about my younger sister, and her constant and horrifying struggle with depression and anxiety. I wanted to convey two facts irrevocably; one that being depressed and having depression are two very different things, and the other being that you cannot expect those kinds of illnesses - for they are an illness - to go away.

Not without our help. But it doesn't really matter now, I suppose, being that most of the population is now dead and shambling around, and the few people I've met or spoken to in chat rooms and email are rapidly giving up hope. I'm here to tell you, fellow survivors, to not give up. Not yet. There's a whole world out there, and all you need do is grasp it.

Take care, talk soon.


All along the Watchtower (Instructional Audio 4)

To dive right into the interesting stuff, here we go.

The 4th tape in the compilation deals with something that I find very interesting; Digital Media as a whole. The definition of this is something that requires an input of some kind from the audience, almost like a choose-your-own adventure type style. In this vein, the class was shown a few examples of such Media, including something called 'endgame' where you're trying to find out about someone being kidnapped. These kinds of media I can really get into.

One example of an interactive media website I visited was a title launch of a video game, Deus Ex: Human Revolution; Sarif Industries, named after a key company in the game. The website is displayed as being 'hacked' by a certain revolutionary group that also plays a key role in the plot, and there's even little audio files hidden around it that reveal even more details about those who have hacked the site in protest.

These kinds of media are a godsend in more ways than one. They allow us to feel as if we have an interactive real say in the story, and they prove as great supplements for existing plots. Especially when people start throwing Alternate Reality Games (ARG's) into the mix that fit well with video games or movies. I'm really excited normally by this prospect, because of the creative content.
An example of an ARG. This one tied into the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

It's going on 9 in the morning, now, and I still need to find out when the Trading Caravan is heading over. See you later for now, Fellow Survivors.


Monday, October 3, 2011

And all men's hearts burn and beat (Instructional Audio Tape 3)

Welcome back, gang!

Today I ran out of AK ammo. Brilliant gun, but I didn't exactly have time to take a marksmanship class. It was mostly used to beat the rusted locks off of the roof access hatches in this building. Still useful without ammo, but now I know that if it's me versus one of these... things, down a corridor then I guess I'm running. Close quarters doesn't really work against this type of enemy.

I'm hoping that some of you reading this are here for the actual instructional side of things and not just hearing from another survivor, but either way, you're here. I'm grateful. It feels like old times again. Although, I am questioning a few things. Like why I have internet access. It seems as if te power is perfectly fine, and the routers haven't been damaged too badly. This is nothing like the movies I loved to watch.

I digress.

Today's audio recording was in regards to Digital Media, and what it consists of. Essentially, Digital Media is a type of story that involves user input, so they are an active part in the lives of others. One example shown to the class (I followed along with it online) was of a man who literally filled his apartment with webcams and microphones, and lived it publicly. He had a chatroom going where he and his wife would answer questions, and everyone was watching them every day.


I want to be famous as much as the next guy, but holy shit, people! I don't think I would take it that far. Not being able to wipe after a solid bowel movement in private? Not being able to enjoy the intimacies of marriage without every single creepy, pedophilic, lonely man watching, waiting to see some skin?

Way too spooky.

This guy is a hack. An absolute cancer on what made society great (before they came, that is) and if I ever met him today, here, and now, I would lock him out. He might try to use the limited activity I have to set up a masturbation cam or something.

Anyways, that's really all I have time for. Does anyone have any tips on rooftop gardening? I really need to start growing my own food sources; nearly run out.

