Friday, September 9, 2011

Here we are.

If you're reading this, then you've survived it too. You know what I'm referring to. The things that go bump in the night; the screams that keep us all up when the sun disappears behind that black cesspool of nuclear dust that we call a horizon nowadays. There are so few of us left, that we can't afford to not recognize each other. That's why I've posted these blogs.

The world still needs humour, right? And the world still needs education.

That's why I cooked this here plan up. I'm holed up in a strange... campus, I guess? Some place that was called "Sheida". Or maybe it looks like that because there are a few letters missing from the sign. I don't know. Either way, it looks like it was some sort of school before the creepy crawlies on our doorstep came a knockin'. I found a laptop here, belonging to someone named "Steve May", a professor of Story Telling in Digital Media. He apparently had some crazy students, with some of the notes he took.

Anyway, he kept a recording of each lesson he taught, some kind of ego boost, I guess. Or maybe a learning tool; at this point it doesn't matter. I've been listening to them, and well... I think that this is a good place to share them with whoever is alive out there. I realize that it's not the most practical of subjects to learn in the middle of a world teeming with monsters, but its something to keep our minds off of things.

Maybe you all could post your responses, as well. I'd like that.

Keep on living out there. That's all that we can do.


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