Friday, September 9, 2011

Let's get right into it, shall we? (Instructional Audio 1)

In the first log, the class discusses a story and methods of telling them. What constitutes as a good one, what constitutes as a bad one. One sharp shooter (clearly the smart one of the bunch) said that rising action, strong characters, and a satisfying conclusion all are means of a good story. I think the instructor referred to him as Brandon. What a guy.

I agree with him. Some pre-event movies and even other media I was really drawn towards, way back when we all thought a terabyte was a lot of memory (how naïve were we!?) and pirating was still not punishable by death. One game in particular I played a lot as a child was a game called Mass Effect, developed by Bioware. The story not only was chock full of interesting characters, clever dialogue, and an all-encompassing story that spanned three different games, its climax was the most satisfying thing I ever played in the 2000s. I remember it released a visceral reaction in me, how I actually played it standing up because I couldn’t bear to not be in my seat when it reached the credit sequence. All these factors in every way contributed to a satisfying and face-meltingly awesome experience that was re-playable.

And I played it again. And again.

On the flipside of this, however, was a movie that just fell flat on every one of those points, involving a weak and poorly paced story, two dimensional and face-palmingly horrifying characters, and an attempt at horror that was laughable – not in a bad way. I’m referring, of course, to Dawn of the Dead – the remake, not the original.

Funny, how that movie kind of predicted our current situation. If you’re looking for a movie to take your mind off our plight, don’t choose that one.

Right off the bat, the movie features some spectacularly bad acting and even worse dialog. I even looked the script up at the time to find out if it was just a bad acting job or an altogether terrible effort by all parties. Zack Snyder, it seemed to me, has actually ruined a great concept. Well, until it came true, that is.

Here are the graves I dug for this info;

Mass Effect Review:

The wind’s picking up, and I’m worried that it’ll blow my scent towards them, so I’m going to wrap this up quick and prepare for an entrance.

Remember to contact me if you’re a survivor. I would love to hear from you.


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