Friday, December 9, 2011

God's ain't going to get you, son (Instructional Audio 6)

Hello, Internet. This is God.

Just joking. Ted again. Hitting you up from a more secure position.

What a month I've had. It began when raiders found my position, which resulted in a minor

gunfight from the tower of E-wing, all the way down to the bottom level of A. I took a few in the leg, but it wasn't anything a little unlicensed surgery could handle. The problem was my water bottles, those things I've been refilling every few hours. As any survivalist will tell you (Link Here) water is the key ingredient to surviving any apocalypse.

So, without water, shot twice in the legs, and about forty-two rounds short, I managed to find myself in the middle of a shitstorm situation. While I dug the bullets out with some pliers, I realized that I had a lot of time to kill before I could re-invade my own home.

So I listened to some more Audio files. And discovered that I wanted to write a script.

My process started with a simple concept: I wanted a story like an apocalypse. Something like mine, but not involving… whatever was out there. I started with the main character’s name – Michael – and something he was chasing – food for survival – and went from there. Suddenly, I had a whirlwind of activity on my mind, rushing through like a waterfall. What resulted was a colourful cast of characters that I should really flesh out a little more.

More tomorrow,


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