Friday, December 16, 2011

Log Posted: (Instructional Audio 8)

The following article was discovered on December 16th, 2011, by Army Corps Rangers. The subject's writing, one Theodore Knolt, has been released publicly in relation to Free Right laws. It has been edited to fit the clarity of the subject's thoughts.

I'm dying.

I can't really explain how I know, other than the fact that the bullet's deep inside me. If I move the right way, I can feel it, lodged into my spine.

I'm using speech-to-text now, to try and say my final words.


The PA turned on. They're going to taunt me again

This is Brandon Banton's response to Steven May, regarding the liberal use of "If/Then" statements. As a whole, I enjoy the concept of choice in a viewing experience, especially if said choice is immediately an obvious impact on story. However, utilizing a string of these statements in various projects, I feel, is severely limiting in creative capabilities. Instead of developing a concept that may have been floating around in our heads since the start of the year, we're forced to come up with one on the fly, making a very disgruntled feeling steal over us. We are forced to take these if/then statements and make them the focal point of our story instead of the story itself. Climaxes change. Characters are diluted. Rather than using 20 pages of character development, we are now forced to spend precious space explaining what happened in each different 'fork' of the path.

Again, I truly enjoy the concept of choice. But sometimes choice is too much.

I can't do this anymore. I... I can't. Computer. Deactivate.


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